Proper Technique for Photographing Birds With Their Chicks

How to photograph birds with their chicks

Note: This tip comes from page 11 in Tobie Schalkwyk’s free eBook - Bird Photography: Etiquette

Photograph by Vivek Kumar

Capturing photographs of wildlife, especially a mother bird with her chicks, can be a rewarding but challenging experience. It requires patience, respect for nature, and an understanding of safely approaching these delicate subjects without causing harm or stress. Here are some tips to help you capture these tender moments in a respectful and safe manner.

Photograph by Mathew Schwartz

Tip #1 - Use the Right Equipment

Use a telephoto lens to photograph birds without getting too close. A lens with a focal length of at least 300mm is ideal, as it allows you to keep a safe distance while still capturing detailed shots.

A sturdy tripod stabilizes your camera, especially with heavy telephoto lenses. It helps you get sharp images and reduces the fatigue of holding the camera for long periods. If you’re hiking, you can also opt for a much lighter monopod.

Remote Shutter Release: This allows you to take photos without touching your camera, minimizing movement and noise that could disturb the birds. Also, see if your camera has a silent shutter setting. If so, be sure to use it!

Photograph by Joshua J. Cotten

Tip #2 - Know Your Subject

Before heading out, research the bird species you plan to photograph. Understanding their behavior, feeding times, and how they react to human presence can greatly improve your chances of capturing them naturally and safely. Websites of local wildlife organizations or birdwatching groups can be valuable resources.

Photograph by Gilles De Muynck

Tip #3 - Keep Your Distance

Maintaining a respectful distance is crucial to avoid causing stress or fear in birds. Use your zoom or telephoto lens to get close-up shots and avoid approaching the nest directly. If the bird shows any sign of distress or changes its behavior because of your presence, it's time to back off.

Photograph by Mathew Schwartz

Tip #4 - Be Patient and Quiet

Patience is key in wildlife photography. Find a comfortable spot to wait, away from the nest, and be as quiet as possible. Sometimes, you may need to wait for hours for the perfect shot, but the wait is often worth it.

Photograph by Joshua J. Cotten

Tip #5 - No Flash Photography

Never use flash when photographing birds with chicks. Electronic Flash can startle and stress birds and may lead to adult birds abandoning their nests. Natural light is the best for wildlife photography, especially when newborns are present.

Photographing a mother bird with her chicks offers a glimpse into the intimate moments of wildlife. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you capture these moments safely and ethically without harming the birds. 

Remember, the welfare of your subjects is always more important than the photograph. With patience and respect, you can produce beautiful, natural images that celebrate the beauty of bird life.

Want more? If you want to learn more about bird photography, and capture beautiful shots of your own, we recommend downloading and printing out Photzy’s 10 Bird Photography Cheat Sheets (Special bonus available now!)