Tips for Sharing Bird Photos Safely and Effectively Online

How to post your bird images safely and for maximum result

Photograph by Bob Brewer- A picture such as the above image of these Dunlins would make a great post celebrating Migratory Bird Day.

One of the best parts about photography is sharing your photos with others—and social media allows you to do this easily.

But effectively showing off your best photos involves more than simply hitting upload. Some algorithms determine who sees your pictures, aspect ratios vary with each platform, and captions require some thought to draw people in.

Build a Community.

Social media is about connecting with others, so you should find ways to engage with your followers. Please get to know them in the comments and write an engaging caption that asks them questions.

Photograph by Mathew Schwartz

Tell a story with your captions!

Whether you show your humor with a bird pun or share fun facts, be creative when writing your captions since that’s where you can let your personality shine.

For example…

Harlequin Ducks (pictured above) winter on rocky coasts and often suffer from broken bones as they brave the rough waters!

That’s a little tidbit of information that most people would not know.

In an upcoming Quick Tip, we will look at several other concerns when posting to social media.

Want more? If you want to learn more about bird photography, and capture beautiful shots of your own, we recommend downloading and printing out Photzy’s 10 Bird Photography Cheat Sheets (Special bonus available now!)